Boarding time is 12:30

The cost is $21.35 per person

Limited to 38 seats

They have snacks, sodas and water available on the boat for purchase, and you can bring non breakable items if you want to drink (cans, plastic bottles, wine sacks)

1 Marc Fisher
2 Barb Fisher
3 Marianna Martin
4 Frank Martin
5 Larry Wheeler
6 George Wheeler
7 Gwen Randolph
8 Phil Randolph
9 Turid Murad
10 Greg Murad
11 Darlene Thompson
12 Ken Thompson
13 Beverly Ortiz
14 Jose' Ortiz
15 Robin Sandro
16 Joe Sandro
17 Chuck Peterson
18 Glenda Probst
19 Robert Probst
20 Cathy Markowich
21 Ed Markowich
22 Benn Scherzer
23 Jonathan Miller
24 Pat Hale
25 Ron Hale
26 Biulen Espin
27 Juan Espin
28 Liz Hernandez
29 Arnaldo Lugo
30 Nelson Thompson
31 Nancy Thompson
The Boat Is Filled